Christian Life

Seeds of Discord

Today, I’m standing on Jesus’ promise to “let not [my] heart be troubled”, I believe in God and I will also believe in Him. There is an evil, negative presence within our church that is in major opposition to what God is doing among us. These spirits are going about planting seeds of discord among the brethren and I want you all to be wise and know what God says about that behavior and those actions.

As believers, Christians, must never forget that our words can promote life or death, unity or division, love or hate. Although when we confess our wrong we will be forgiven immediately, the evil words we’ve sown from our mouths become evil instruments of murder to others. Satan will use any mouth open to him in an attempt destroy a whole church.

I wonder, how many souls have been murdered/lost because of the mouths of discontented believers? Proverbs 11:9 says, ā€œThe hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor…ā€ The Bible clearly warns us to mark those who cause division and strife and to avoid them. They are used by the Devil to cause trouble to the church and to the work of the Gospel (Romans 16:17).

Do you know someone who is a sower of discord? Is it you? Are you being used by the Devil to cause division and strife in your church? If so, be warned of the severe consequences that you will face unless you repent of your sin and bring your mouth under control. God promises, the sower of discord will face calamity. ā€œA worthless person, a wicked man, walks with a perverse mouth; he winks with his eyes, he shuffles his feet, he points with his fingers; perversity is in his heart, he devises evil continually, he sows discord. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; suddenly he shall be broken without remedyā€ (Prov. 6:12-15).

To paraphrase something Thumper’s mother said to him: If you canā€™t say good things about your church, then keep your mouth shut. If you donā€™t think the church or its leaders are doing what they should, go talk with them privately. Pray daily for God to help them. And if you still donā€™t think the church is doing you any good, then get down to the altar and pray until it does, or get out of there and find one that will!

Whatever you do, donā€™t become an enemy to the church, itā€™s leaders or people! Regardless of what you think about your church, it belongs to the Lord, and if it is in error Heā€™s big enough to correct it without your complaints. If you become a trouble-maker to your church, you will make yourself an enemy to Jesus (Matthew 25:40), and He warned against becoming a stumbling-block to the faith of believers lest you face severe judgment. ā€œBut whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the seaā€ (Matt. 18:6).

Loving you passionately enough to speak the TRUTH. . . ~Pastor K (aka: MinK)

About Author

Karen is an Associate Pastor at CrossWord Christian Church in Moreno Valley, CA. She is also the dynamic leader of the Winsome Women's Ministry there. Karen is also a Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula. In addition to walking in her purpose as a doula and encourager, she is the proud wife of Bishop L. Kirk Sykes, a beloved mother of 5, and "Mim" to six grandchildren.


  • JoCarmel
    May 7, 2010 at 12:11 am

    I always thought an attack my the enemy would come from a non-member but slowly coming to realize how slick Satan is. Cross Word has been my safety net (the place where I felt most safe) but is showing me that (as Bishop says) Satan comes to church too. I just assumed (we know what that means) that a person wouldn't join a church if they didn't believe in the vision & leadership of a particular church. Why join? But Satan is very crafty & I definetly need to be & stay prayed up & "Worded up" to discern his schemes in church & my life right now. Those are powerful, timely & encouraging words Pastor K.
    Thank you for having the brave obedient heart to speak them.

  • Debora
    May 7, 2010 at 5:42 am

    We love our church family and we respect and follow our leadership. We are praying for our leaders daily and for ourselves. We bind these spirits of discord. Please remove anything that is not of YOU LORD. Amen!

  • MinK
    May 7, 2010 at 2:01 pm

    Hi Jo & Debora. The goal here is to make sure we are all vigilant in prayer and in 'keeping our eyes open.' This is why we must daily put on our armor and not walk around with our heads only in the clouds or stuck in the sand.

    Thanks for your comments and actually the attacks aren't new – we experience them every time God is taking us to the next level. It's just each time the opposition 'appears' stronger; yet, we know God will accomplish HIS Work and no one/no thing can stop Him. I'm praising a MIGHTY GOD, in advance, for the victory HE HAS GIVEN. "Not by power, nor by might, but by MY Spirit says the Lord." ~PK

  • Stephanie
    May 7, 2010 at 10:48 pm

    Thanks for 'A Dose of Truth'
    Scooche over pastor Sykes, I choose to stand on GODsā€™ promises as well. I will continue to stand in prayer and on the truth of GODsā€™words for the vision that GOD has for Us.

    Below is a great take away.
    WORDS we use dictate our THINKING, Thinking dictates how we FEEL, how feel dictates our DECISIONS, decisions we make dictate ACTIONS, continued actions soon form into HABITS, habits dictate our CHARACTER ā€¦(who we are), revealed by our words.
    Watchman Nee wrote ā€œ Were one submissive to authority he would surely control his mouth; he would dare speak so loosely.ā€ If as believers we are not submitted to GOD and our leaders, I wonder if were (a believer) is really hearing from GOD.

    Gossip, verbal assassins, the bible says wicked people. Prov. 6:16 speaks to the six things that GOD hates, the last being an abomination to HIM. GOD says that you are a troublemaker even listening to gossip.

    I pray we all seek to walk in harmony as submitted people of GOD. We can fight this spiritual war.


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